Exploring the Science Behind Biomagnetism

Biomagnetism stimulates the body’s natural immune system
Bio-magnetic therapy, also called bio-magnetic pair therapy, is natural and safe and re-establishes a typical cellular environment through pairs of magnets of medium power. The goal is to match the organism’s pH level, a critical cause of health.

Benefits of Bio-magnetic Therapy

Clinical experience has shown that bio-magnetic therapy might be used for several circumstances and issues and that the aids include:
  1. Neutralizes pH and makes an environment that is unfriendly to pathogens.
  2. Correction of the intracellular active and ionic conditions
  3. Entirely natural, painless, easy, and non-invasive.
  4. No side effects, and it might be easily used with conventional and alternative therapy.
  5. Targets the root cause of the pain/disease rather than only the symptoms.
  6. Results will often be seen in a few minutes, days, or sometimes for a few weeks.

About pH balance in the body?

To survive, we need two critical things to happen: 

1. The bodies must preserve a temperature of approximately 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. 
2. The bodies must maintain a pH very close to 7.4which is just on the alkaline side of neutral.

Just like a swimming pool needs a balanced pH to ward off excessive alkaline while not irritating skin and eyes, the body’s pH must be balanced to keep healthy.

According to biomagnetism, discovered by Mexican doctor Isaac Goiz in 1988, many complex diseases like cancer are related to changes in the internal organs’ pH level and the existence of viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. parasites, toxins, and other harmful factors. On the other hand, the change of illness will not develop with a balanced pH level, and bio-magnetic therapy intends to restore pH balance.

Bio-magnetic therapy is unlike magnetic therapy and magnetic acupuncture. Unlike these two, the bio-magnetic uses pairs of magnets of opposite charges to depolarize parts in the body that are not balanced due to pathogens or any other factors that resound energetically and vibrationally.

How biomagnetism Works

Pathogens appear when there are alterations in the pH level. A too-acidic body is prone to viral and fungal infection and worsening processes. A body that is too alkaline is subject to inflammation, swelling, pain, bacterial and parasitic infections. Understanding pH in the body a step further, they will see that the process of pH imbalance starts at the cellular level with the exchange of ions through the membrane. 

This bioelectric act occurs for all the cells of the body. If we take a blood sample, ignore the fluid until they have only the red blood cells left, and apply a magnet, they will look through and see in the microscope how the cells turn and move in one direction – the magnet polarizes the cell’s ions.

In simple words, if we correct the ionic alteration through magnets specially placed on the body through bio-magnetic therapy, the local pH might be neutralized, change in the environment from a pathogen-friendly one to one, it cannot survive. In this manner, bio-magnetic therapy is considered an excellent therapy in effectively gaining the biological terrain and helping in the neutralization and elimination of viral, fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections that are thought of as starting factors in modern diseases and conditions.

The location and placement of these bio-magnetic pairs have been clinically well-defined by Dr. Isaac Goiz, MD, over the years. He has recognized, by pathogenetic codes, more than 260 bio-magnetic pairs that correspond to most diseases and dysfunctions.

The coupled magnetic placement areas are energetically connected. Placing one positive and negative polarity magnet on the body for 15 – 20 minutes can re-establish the acidic-alkaline balance. Complex conditions might require multiple pairs to increase the pH balance.

Science and its Safety

The therapy is risk-free and must be preventive for patients with pacemakers, pregnant women, and undergoing chemotherapy for the past 12 months. Bio-magnetic treatment will be used in conjunction with any other type of complementary therapy and traditional allopathic therapies.
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